CoMoUK is playing a leading role in the UK’s transition to integrated mobility solutions designed for the public good. CoMoUK supports the development of shared modes:
- Car clubs
- Bike share
- 2+ Car share
- Emerging modes such as “on demand” buses and scooter sharing to enable mobility lifestyles which present an alternative to private car ownership
This is achieved through advocacy, research and development.
CoMoUK was established in 1999 and was previously known as Carplus and Bikeplus.
Our Work
Research and Metrics
- Metrics to provide evidence for growth, and the scale of impacts
- Annual surveys of car club members and bike share members, to provide evidence of social and environmental impacts
Best Practice Guidance
- Comprehensive good practice guides to promote greater understanding of latest developments for practitioners and policy makers
Development Projects
- Pioneering projects to ensure the social and environmental benefits are maximised and evenly spread
Technical Advice and Consultancy
- Research and consultancy work on behalf of local authorities, transport authorities and community groups to plan, establish and develop car clubs, bike share and other shared transport initiatives
- The accreditation body for car clubs and bike share in the UK
Advocacy and strategic partnerships
- CoMoUK supports measures that promote collaborative mobility with the aim of providing equitable access to quality places and lifestyles
- Stakeholder Forums
- Strategic partnerships with UK and overseas sustainable and shared transport organisations