Wireless Power Transfer Solutions

For more than 20 years IPT Technology is active in wireless power transfer. We design, manufacture, install and service wireless charging systems to charge all type of vehicles ranging from cars and buses to ships, robots and material handling equipment. Our products are applied in both industrial and electrical mobility applications that use wireless power transfer to provide a highly efficient, reliable, hassle-free charging experience. Onshore and offshore!

The Future Is Wireless – We Set the Standard

Think about your daily world – how would that be in the near future if we don’t boost and flexibilize the energy transition that’s taking place? What would the cost of transport be if there’s nothing more than expensive overnight charging solutions? How would our infrastructure look like if we contaminate our streets with charging stations? And how could we introduce autonomous driving or electrify our supply chains if there is no infrastructure that supports autonomously charging? Next-generation wireless charging solutions give an answer to these questions. Since 1996 IPT is at the forefront leading the technology and application innovation of wireless electrification and battery charging.

Combine megatrends like mobility, zero-emission, sustainability, digitalization and all-electric and one thing will become clear: the world as we know it is rapidly changing. Worldwide people are co-operating to reduce the use of natural resources and make transport cleaner, safer and future-proof. Our wireless charging solutions seize the opportunities of digitization and use magnetic induction to allow all kinds of transport as well as industrial processes to be powered electrically in a cost-effective way.

Turn Your Charging Challenges into Reality

IPT Technology offers a complete portfolio for wireless charging Heavy Duty or Light Duty vehicles such as cars, fleets, buses, trucks but also forklifts, street scooters and ships.

IPT® Charge Bus – Stay Competitive with Clean Technology

Public transport is evolving rapidly, both literally and figuratively, to remain competitive and become more environmental friendly. In parallel public transport operators need to maintain the high reliability and availability that is required by the character of their service. And with public authorities getting more and more involved in keeping their cities clean, there is also an ever-increasing demand for clean and silent technologies to power public transport. IPT® Charge Bus puts clean, silent and zero-emission at your fingertips. The technology is used to charge buses of all sizes, full electric as well as hybrid buses.

IPT® Charge Bus is a unique system which enables electric buses to operate fully on the principle of en-route charging to extend the range of an electric bus. A minimal onboard energy storage, enough to reach the next charging station plus a small safety margin, becomes practically sufficient to operate a vehicle optimally. The optimal charging scenario depends on the type of bus, the profile of the route and other factors and consequently so do the resulting advantages. But common for all scenarios is that IPT® Charge Bus offers entirely new perspectives for the operation and design of electric buses.

IPT® Charge Bus is a wireless power transfer system that allows electrical energy to be supplied to consumers without any electrical or mechanical contact or intervention. Charging can be made possible at virtually any opportunity. The modularity of IPT® Charge Bus makes it versatile and suitable for all typical bus sizes. Besides, it allows extremely flexible adaption to operational demands.

IPT® Charge Fleet – Charge Your Fleet via Contactless Power Transfer

Electric mobility is taking off as technology of choice for fleet owners leaving fossil-fueled combustion engines behind. With zero emissions, a high efficiency, quiet operation and cost savings, the technology has a lot to offer. Charging of the onboard energy storage is often realised in the ‘conventional way’ by plugging a connection into the vehicle.

A user-friendly alternative offers the contactless, intervention-free power transfer. This technology enhances the efficiency and suppresses all kinds of operational risks. Having the primary coil beneath the ground, it also prevents any vandalism and the build-up of dirt. Combining modern charging algorithms, energy regeneration and intervention-free en-route charging, IPT® Charge overcomes conventional problems of onboard energy storage with today’s technology.

IPT® Charge Fleet is a contactless, hassle-free charging solution that allows electrical energy to be supplied to commercial fleets, such as delivery and postal vans, taxi’s, garbage trucks as well as car-share concepts. Charging can be made possible at virtually any opportunity. The charging process is optimised by a constant interaction between the onboard battery management system and the track supply. The track supply only provides the instantaneously required power. IPT Technology supplies all the products and expertise that are necessary for an optimised charging solution for fleet owners.

IPT® Charge Personal Car – Convenient and Safe Domestic Solution

With electrical vehicles becoming the standard wireless charging is in the spotlight as a cost-effective, safe and hassle-free alternative for the traditional wired charging stations. By 2025 it is expected that most of the cars, be it luxury electric sedans to everyday commuter cars, will be charged wireless. It’s convenient, safe since the absence of wired connections, maintenance-free and immune to dirt and water.

Charging can be made possible at virtually any opportunity: at home but also in parking garages of malls, for instance. And with multinationals and car manufacturers investing in autonomous driving, a proper charging solution should be available as well. Wireless charging solutions can take you from overnight to charging en-route enabling wireless semi-dynamic or dynamic for autonomous driving.

IPT® Charge Ship – Your Safe Journey Starts with IPT

Go green not only applies to onshore e-mobility anymore. Evermore operators of (coastal) ferries and vessels are searching for solutions that enable them to fulfil the environmental regulatory demands. Wireless charging based on inductive power transfer offers it all: a higher utilisation of the available charging time, increased safety and unprecedented system reliability. Wireless charging in harbours eliminates the cable connection between the vessel and shore. It not only guarantees safe connections and disconnections but also reduces maintenance since wear and tear to physical connection lines is eliminated.

Based on inductive power transfer wireless charging is interesting for newbuild and conversions as well. Converting or retrofitting diesel-powered ships into hybrid or fully electric will result in considerable emission reductions and increased operational efficiency thanks to the automatic nature of wireless charging. IPT Technology will guide you through to process of getting wireless. From consulting, R&D, production, sales up to project management, commissioning and service and maintenance – we’re there to help you.


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IPT Technology GmbH
Im Martelacker 14
79588 Efringen-Kirchen


Call: +49 (0) 7628-692-96-0

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