Vitoria-Gasteiz Relies on Kapsch TrafficCom for Sustainable Public Transportation
Kapsch TrafficCom has successfully installed traffic signal priority systems for public transport in the Basque city of Vitoria-Gasteiz (about 250,000 inhabitants). With this, the company reaffirms its commitment to sustainable and healthy mobility.

Kapsch TrafficCom’s technology is being used in two important projects: for the intelligent electric buses (Bus Eléctrico Inteligente, BEI) on one of Vitoria’s main transportation axes, and the extension of a tram line that improves access to the eastern part of the city.
Kapsch TrafficCom has supplied all the necessary traffic light systems for the 61 intersections that the BEI crosses. This includes upgrades to existing traffic light systems, installation of new systems, and the establishment of a dedicated light signal system for the fully electric intelligent buses. Thanks in part to the traffic signal priority systems, the bus frequency was improved from 10 to 7 minutes, thereby reducing travel time for a potential user group of 120,000 citizens by 25%.
In addition to this project, the extension of the Vitoria-Gasteiz tram to Salburua was also completed. For this, Kapsch TrafficCom set up traffic signal priority systems at 15 intersections for the tram.
This extension, in addition to the also Kapsch TrafficCom-supported extension between the Angoulême train station and the university campus, will improve the connection between the eastern area and the city center, giving priority to public transport in the city and thus enabling more sustainable mobility for Vitoria citizens.
This article was originally published by Kapsch TrafficCom.