Our latest test with the Kia Niro EV demonstrates how wireless charging can deliver unlimited range for drivers, in any weather at various speeds.

In this POC, the Kia Niro EV was driven over the Electric Road System (ERS) at different speeds to test the efficiency. Results demonstrated an efficiency of up to 89% with a high tolerance for misalignment (meaning the vehicle could still charge even if not parked or passing directly over the charging technology embedded in the road).

Find out more about the technology: www.electreon.com

This POC was performed for Hyundai Motor Group’s ZER01NE Accelerator. As part of this proof-of-concept pilot, Electreon worked closely with the Israeli regional team for Hyundai Motor Group’s CRADLE project, CRADLE TLV. Together they validated that Electreon’s technology delivers dynamic and static wireless charging both in the lab, and on the road, providing an effective wireless charging solution for EVs.

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