Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) has selected FOD Mobility Group to help design and develop a new mobility as a service (MaaS) app for the region.
The new region-wide travel app will be powered by the Mobilleo MaaS platform, enabling residents and visitors in the West Midlands to access live travel information and booking options for all modes of transport in one place.
This will include buses, trains, trams, e-scooters, walking, cycle hire, taxis, demand-responsive transport (DRT), car rental, car clubs and parking.

The app will allow users to select their end destination and view the most convenient, cost-effective and sustainable option depending on their individual preferences.
This project thus aligns with TfWM’s plans to improve access to integrated, multimodal transport options.
Anne Shaw, executive director of Transport for West Midlands said:TfWM is putting unprecedented investment into growing our Metro, rail, bus and active travel networks.
As well as developing travel modes, we need to look closely at how we can make accessing transport as seamless as possible through simple plan, book and pay mechanisms. This will encourage more people to use public and shared transport, or active travel and reduce private car use.