Moovit and TIER Join Forces and Scoot into 70+ Cities across 13 Countries

Moovit, an Intel company, a leading Mobility as a Service (MaaS) solutions provider and creator of the #1 urban mobility app, and TIER, a leading European shared micromobility provider, are announcing a partnership that offers users more convenient first and last mile options. With a shared vision to get more cars off the road, Moovit will show users where nearby TIER scooters are available in real-time in 77 cities across 13 countries including Germany, France and the UK.

moovit tier
Moovit can be downloaded on the App Store and Google Play.

As more COVID restrictions lift and traffic increases once again in many European countries, offering more alternative travel options will help riders save time getting to their destination and reduce the need for a private car for first and last-mile journeys. About one out of three TIER riders predominantly uses e-scooters during the week for commuting or running personal appointments and almost half of TIER users take e-scooters as a first-/last- mile solution, combining it with other modalities. However, many people still drive their car to connect with main transport hubs.

Moovit’s Chief of Growth and Marketing Officer, Yovav Meydad, said:

Offering more alternative forms of transport that can easily get people to their destination is a critical component of any Mobility as a Service platform. That’s why we are excited to partner with TIER and empower riders to more easily combine micromobility with public transport to enjoy the most efficient ways of getting around some of the most congested cities in the world.

Moovit, which has served over 1 billion urban users around the world in 112 countries, offers its service in over 1,500 cities across Europe and the Middle East, and TIER, which recently launched in its 100th city — will enable Moovit users to embrace multi-modality and discover TIER scooters in the Moovit app to better connect with public transport. Moovit will show its users in real-time where a TIER scooter is available nearby, including how long it will take to walk there, as well as battery range.

Director of Market Development at TIER, Tinia Mühlfenzl, said:

Our mission to change mobility for good is largely about creating strong partnerships to expand everyone’s access to sustainable, easily accessible and multimodal mobility solutions. Teaming up with a leading MaaS solutions provider will allow us to expand access to our micro-mobility services in many cities across Europe and the Middle East.

moovit tier
Users will be able to discover TIER scooters in the Moovit app.

Moovit users can experience the TIER offering in the following countries:

  • Austria
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Qatar
  • Slovakia
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom

Moovit can be downloaded on the App Store and Google Play.

This article was originally published by Moovit Inc..


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