AutoSens and InCabin, two premier events in the automotive technology space, are poised to converge in Detroit from May 21-23, promising a unique gathering of engineers, industry leaders, and innovators in the fields of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Autonomous Vehicles (AV), and interior sensing technology.

Unlike other events, AutoSens and InCabin focus on the pivotal role engineers play in technological advancements forward. By uniting these two expert communities, the colocation aims to foster cross-pollination and collaboration, enabling attendees to engage with cutting-edge developments and network with peers shaping the future of automotive technology.

While each event will retain its own exclusive conference and tutorial agenda and dedicated networking events, event attendees will benefit from open access across both events on site, including an agenda boasting over 80 speakers for AutoSens and 40+ experts for InCabin across multiple technical tracks with participation of companies like GM, Volvo, Hyundai, Rivian, Bosch, Magna, Marelli, NVIDIA, IAV, Yanfeng, Harman, Mobis, Mitsubishi and OMNIVISION.

Attendees can expect a comprehensive program featuring high-quality technical sessions and insightful discussions on topics such as internal and external sensing technologies, thermal imaging, sensor fusion, data analytics and simulations, EE architectures, innovations in in-cabin hardware and software, the role of AI and ethics, functional safety and security and more.

Notable sessions for AutoSens include:

  • “The challenge to move to smaller pixels” by Robin Jenkins of NVIDIA
  • “Defining an AD product with all surrounding stakeholders” featuring Hakan Sivencrona from Volvo
  • “Shaping the global automotive landscape with V2X technologies” in conversation with Qualcomm’s Jim Misener
  • Panels on topics such as automotive-military crossover learnings and future-proofing functional safety strategies with industry experts from leading organizations including Toyota, Volvo, and prominent Tier1 suppliers.

See the full AutoSens USA 2024 agenda here.

Notable sessions for InCabin include:

  • “Unleashing the power of digital twins in automotive interior” by Nathaniel Sladek from Marelli
  • “Leveraging extremely large datasets in DMS: A self-supervised approach” by Krishna Govindarao from LightMetrics
  • “Synthetic data for face landmarks regression – a portal for OMS vital signs and DUI research” by Gal Dagan from Cipia
  • “Mental modalities and impact on driving performance” by Andrei Filimonov from Harman
  • “Going from driver-monitoring to driver- and-occupants-monitoring systems; How to capture the entire cabin for next generation on in-cabin monitoring systems” by Patrice Roulet Fontani from Immervision

See the full InCabin USA 2024 agenda here.

As an added incentive for OEMs and Tier1 participants, tickets are fully subsidized by Sense Media to maximise accessibility. This gesture underscores the organizers’ commitment to facilitating access to invaluable content and technology demonstrations. Attendees can secure their complimentary basic pass, or upgrade to a full pass for a nominal fee to access technical tutorials and additional features.

Moreover, AutoSens and InCabin are dedicated to fostering diversity and inclusion in the engineering community. As part of this commitment, women in engineering and all full-time academics are offered a 50% discount on event registration.

All of Sense Media’s content, in-person and online, qualifies as CEU (Continuing Educational Units), also known as CPD points (Continued Professional Development) in Europe. Attend the conferences with a Basic Pass to unlock 18 hours CPD / 1.8 CEU or with Full Access 23 hours CPD / 2.3 CEU. Members of chartered bodies can leverage these credits for career advancement. Networking also counts towards CPD – Sense Media has more than 10 hours of networking sessions at this May’s AutoSens and InCabin events.

Robert Stead, Managing Director of Sense Media said:

I decided to launch these events nearly a decade ago because I saw a need to cut through the hype and create a meeting that is truly for the engineers – the passionate scientists who are applying their knowledge and solving problems on a daily basis. 10 years on, the aim remains the same, and in 2024 by co-locating these two events we are creating critical mass - a platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration, shaping the future of ADAS, AV and in-cabin technologies.

For more information and registration, visit and


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